SpeedyCache has a way to prevent pages from getting cached or displaying cached version, by adding Exclude rules. There are 3 ways you can prevent pages from getting cached.
Exclude Pages
In exclude pages section create a new rule by clicking Add New Rule button, a modal will open in that select the URI based on options and define the page you want to exclude from getting cached. Check the GIF below.

Exclude User-agents
User-agent is a system or application(it can be your browser or some random server) that is requesting your server for a website or webpage, so with every HTTP request, a User-agent header is sent which helps the server identify information like application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the user-agent.
So you can write an Exclude rule to prevent serving the cached website.
To add an Exclude Rule for User-agents, in the User-agents section Click on Add New Rule Button.
A modal will open, in that either define the full user-agent or a phrase of it that you want to exclude from seeing the cached version, so when the request comes the server can check if the User-agent in the request contains the phrase we have entered.
Exclude Cookies
HTTP Cookie is a piece of data that is sent from the server to the browser, which the browser stores.
So to prevent serving cached version to a request with a specific Cookie you can add an Exclude rule for Cookie.
In Exclude Cookie section click on Add New Rule button.
A modal will open there add a phrase or the name of full cookie so if the cookie contains that phrase then cached version will not be served to that request.