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How to setup any CDN

CDNs can give a big boost to the speed of your website as they keep a cached version of your assets on the edge and them being spread all over the globe, they are faster as they route the request to the closest and fastest server.

Setting Up a CDN

CDN URL is something that your CDN provider provides, and Origin URL is the URL of your main server like in our case.
Here we are assuming that you have already uploaded your files to the CDN Storage. To integrate a CDN follow the steps below:-

  • In WordPress Admin > SpeedyCache > CDN Tab > Other CDN.
  • Add a CDN URL in the CDN URL field which you will get from your CDN Provider.
  • Then a the Origin URL which you be your websites URL add it with http(s) like :-
  • Now you can select the file type which you want to host on the CDN.
  • In Specific Source Section you can specify certain files you want to host on CDN, so only the specified files will be hosted
  • Then if you want to exclude certain files then mention them in the Exclude Source section
  • Now save the settings and that's it.

CDN Storage

There are a few things you need to keep in mind about folder structure while uploading your files to a CDN.
The structure of the folder on CDN storage should be exactly like how it is on WordPress.

For Example:- is the URL of an image and it gets rewritten as
So the Folder Structure on the CDN should be wp-uploads/uploads/2022/03/speedycache-cdn.png. If the folder structure on your CDN storage is not as your WordPress install, then the CDN won't be able to serve the image and it would result in a broken image.

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